Women - Just say No!
Women – Just being a woman is so expensive. We have to buy feminine hygiene products monthly to protect ourselves and our monthly cycle. Not only that, the only type of blood produced that is not created by violence, is seen as disgust and repugnance by everyone, especially men. We have to constantly groom and take care of ourselves just to feel as if we fit in with our social standards. We always have to look pretty. Sit pretty. Act pretty. Sit still, don’t talk, and just look pretty. That is all we have to do. In every way we walk or act, we are targeted. We are always taught to be scared. To cover-up, so no one watches us. Do not go outside in the dark, so no one can catch us. It is always said my body is my choice until you are not allowed to wear tank tops in school “in fear of distracting the opposite gender”. It is always “my body my choice” until riots and arguments arise about whether or not a woman could abort her child. It is always “my body my choice” until you are inappropriately followed by older men in your own neighborhood. In this day and age, I can wear what I want right? Then how come almost 97% of young women have been sexually harassed? How come 1 in every 6 American women has been a victim of attempted or completed rape? Why is being a woman such a scary role? I cannot wear anything without the practiced fear of whether or not another man will follow me home. Why do we let this happen in our lives? Why women? Why? Why do we allow fear to control us and every action we do?
Women, we do not have to live like this. One of my favorite quotes is that “We suffer more in imagination than reality.” Admittedly anxiety can truly control our lives, but sometimes our biggest nightmares can turn into reality even when we do not realize it. And as a woman trying to navigate her life in this world, I do not know if I should be scared or not. I know so many family members and friends who have been sexually harassed before they were 18, even before the age of 5 years old. As a woman, how should I feel? I know I do not want to live like this all the time, it is so exhausting.
Which is why I have a plan. I am planning to create security products that we women can wear at all times surrounding our bodies to feel protected in every place we travel to. For example, I understand that there are many companies that create safety and security products, which I completely support! Yet, I want to create a type of product that does not even look like a self-defense weapon. These will be types of weapons that will look like everyday products such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and keychains but will also be in use during serious circumstances and crises. For example, if you theoretically are in a situation where a predator is behind you or ready to attack you, there would not be enough time to take out the entire taser or pepper spray from your backpack or purse. You would need something close to you as if something were around your neck or fingers. Something you could hold on to. Something with you at all times. And as a girl, I would still want it to look pretty. To match my outfit. C’mon, I’m a girl of course! But in those serious situations, I would be able to defend myself and stay protected. And still, be able to wear it as an everyday accessory with me. I would not catch the attention of wearing the product, and no one would be able to even touch me like that. I would feel safe. Finally,
Women, we don’t need to feel scared anymore! We truly do not need to allow ourselves to bow down to generations of shoved-under-the-rug standards. And as a woman, I am saying no. No to allow predators or anyone to tell me that I have to stay in fear. Women do not need to stay in fear anymore, it is the men who need to learn to respect us as equals.
I am Neoli Das, I am sixteen years old, and I am saying no.
Women, join me in this change against sexual assault in America.
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